Entrelaçamento Quântico

Em experimentos feito s em laboratórios, os físicos pegaram partículas que mano tinham correlação, ou seja, não estavam emaranhadas, e co-relaciinaram essas partículas depois, e o emaranhado se estabeleceu entre as partículas.

A física Clássica tratar tudo como se estivesse separado, e a mecânica quântica não tratar o Universo como algo isolado.

I hope everything is fine with you. I am sorry for the delay in answering you, however, I talk to many people on a daily basis, explaining about my literary work, which I disclose in the Amazon store.

but, it is always good to make new friends, life without friendship is a desert.

welcome, I hope we can get to know each other more and mor

life without love is empty. I am a person who loves many things. of people the nature.

of course i am rich, i have knowledge. there are two certainties, we are born, we die. and between one and the other, what matters is how you lived, but what you did and left: I don't want to be the richest man in the cemetery.

life without love is empty. I am a person who loves many things. of people the nature.

my dear there is no 'no game'. everything is im game, the question is: what kind of game do you play and how do you play it

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